Why no reviews

Why no reviews

Why are there no reviews on this website? You may wonder why there are no testimonials on this website. This is intentional.  While many patients have benefited from my care, I do not solicit positive reviews. Over the course of treatment, psychiatrists and patients...
Treatment options for depression

Treatment options for depression

Non-pharmacologic treatment options for depression Sometimes women ask me if they can treat an episode of depression without medication. Depending on the duration and severity of the depression, this may be an option. Several non-pharmacologic treatments have been...


Are SSRIs safe during pregnancy? This is a great question. Unfortunately, there is not a simple answer. SSRIs are not completely risk free, but neither is untreated maternal illness. Women should decide whether or not to take an SSRI during pregnancy after...


Are SNRIs safe during pregnancy? This is a great question. Unfortunately, there is not a simple answer. SNRIs are not completely risk free, but neither is untreated maternal illness. Women should decide whether or not to take an SNRI during pregnancy after...


Is bupropion (Wellbutrin) safe during pregnancy? This is a great question. Unfortunately, there is not a simple answer. Bupropion (Wellbutrin) is not completely risk free, but neither is untreated maternal illness. Women should decide whether or not to take bupropion...